Upcoming Events / News

Upcoming Events / News

New Exclusive Meditation Retreat Date & Registration Is Open

The overnight retreat will occur from Saturday morning, April 12, through noon on Sunday, April 13, 2025.  This Retreat is scheduled at the Marble Inn & Suites, Steady Brook, NL nestled on the banks of the majestic Humber River of Western Newfoundland and Labrador. Marble Inn & Suites is Located 5 minutes from Corner Brook City […]


Mindfulness & Meditation Wellness Event Join us in the breathtaking landscapes of the West Coast of Newfoundland and Labrador for a special Meditation & Mindfulness Wellness Event designed to nourish your spirit, mind, and body. March 22, 2025. Take a deep breath, reconnect with yourself, and embrace the beauty of the present moment in one […]

About Us

About Us

“Prayer is when we speak to God: Meditation is when God speaks to us.”

Being selfless is a desire of my heart.  Clouded by past conditioning and some lessons learned the hard way, I continue on a journey to fulfill my purpose.  With a love of service and people, I searched my heart and there planted deep inside was a seed to bring peace to others by instructing a Meditation Practice.

I trained in Transcendental Meditation by The Global Country of World Peace, Maharishi Institute and was so moved and impressed by this simple practice in my own life and relationships; I wished to share it with others.  This led me to Deepak Chopra’s University in Carlsbad, California. I had read a great deal of his books and followed the teachings of Deepak Chopra for many years. I admired his true desire to enable world peace one person at a time.  Thousands of people have learned to meditate and find peace within them and hence bring this peace and love to their own worlds by simply practicing Meditation.

As an attempt to test the waters of receptivity, I incorporated a meditation session within a Workplace Wellness Course I was teaching at a Private College. Students were invited to participate and their results would be analyzed at the end of the term by me only via an anonymous survey. The results were outstanding and some students continued not only to meditate on their own but also encouraged others to practice.

After a great deal of research and soul searching, I decided to leave my full-time teaching position and take my love of teaching to a new level. I enrolled with the Chopra Center University and was taught the Primordial Sound Meditation technique by Deepak Chopra and his team.

All these answered callings have led me to this opportunity today and enabled me to offer this wonderful gift to others. I merely desire to share and share alike!


Sharon Evans – Seva Meditation


Meditation is a tool for discovering the body’s own inner intelligence. Practiced for thousands of years, it’s not about forcing the mind to be quiet; it’s about finding the silence that’s already there and making it a part of your life.

Silence is the birthplace of happiness, creativity, and infinite possibilities. From this field of pure potentiality we get our bursts of inspiration, our most intuitive thoughts, and our deepest sense of connection to the Universe. Practicing meditation on a daily basis allows us to weave silence and stillness into our mind and body to create a life of greater compassion and fulfillment. Meditation is a journey to the center of our very being; a journey to emotional freedom; and a journey to the reawakening of our unconditioned self.


Primordial Sound Meditation is a meditation technique originating in the ancient wisdom of India. Primordial sounds – the basic, most essential sounds of nature – are used to disconnect us from the activity of life. These individually selected sounds, known as mantras, are based on the vibration the universe was making at the moment of your birth.

Once your Primordial Sound mantra has been determined, you will be taught how to use it on a daily basis to reawaken balance, tranquility, and compassion within. Your Chopra Center-certified instructor will help you to integrate this practice into your daily routine.




Nowadays, doctors are increasingly citing stress as a major contributing factor to most illnesses. Even though meditation should not be considered a cure by itself, research has shown it to be beneficial for a wide range of health problems. As stress is greatly eliminated through Primordial Sound Meditation, our minds and bodies begin to function with maximum effectiveness, creating health, vitality, and happiness.

Practicing Primordial Sound Meditation on a daily basis can help you to:

  •   • Manage Stress
  •   • Reduce Anxiety
  •   • Improve Your Relationships
  •   • Create Inner Peace
  •   • Awaken Your Intuition
  •   • Enhance Your Sleep Patterns
  •   • Lower Your Blood Pressure
  •   • Become Less Judgmental
  •   • Connect to Spirit


To take your next step towards developing a Primordial Sound Meditation practice,
please feel free to use the contact form or phone numbers below.

For added convenience, you can fill out
the registration form before your first visit:



Primordial Sound Meditation Course (PSM)

Group Session PSM Course  

One-to-one Session PSM Course

Seniors (over 65) Group Session) PSM Course

Full-Time Students Group Session PSM Course

Military Group Session PSM Course

Children 11 – 18 Group Session PSM Course

Children 10 and under Group Session PSM Course

Other Meditation Classes

Introduction to Meditation – Group Session (maximum 10 people)

Introduction to Meditation – Private Session (one-to-one)

Guided Meditation Group Sessions – Personal and Corporate Sessions

Distance-Led Primordial Sound Meditation Course –Adult only

Distance-Led Group Guided Meditation Sessions – maximum 10 people

Private-Led Distance Mediation Sessions – one-to-one

Mini-Group Retreats  – Half-day & Full day

Week-end Autumn Retreat – Planned Yearly 

Book, Meet & Meditate 

Chakra Session 

Breathing Exercises 




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    Call Us (709) 686-2832 | (709) 632-3826

    Visit Us 8 Thistle Avenue, Pasadena, NL, A0L 1K0