Events and News

Weekly Guided Sunset Meditations Resume at Pasadena Beach, NL

Weekly Guided Sunset Meditations Resume at Pasadena Beach, NL

Join us every week for a serene and rejuvenating experience at Pasadena Beach, Newfoundland. Immerse yourself in the beauty of nature and harness the power of the setting sun during our guided sunset meditations.
Bring comfortable clothing/beach chair or towel/water bottle/mosquito repellent and an open mind and the willingness to relax.
$10 drop-in fee
Note: In case of inclement weather, the event may be rescheduled. Stay updated by following my social channels or contacting me directly.


Trained in Transcendental Meditation, The Global Country of World Peace, Maharishi Institute. Certified Community Health, Safe and Practice and Environment, UNB, UFR. Primoridal Sound Meditation Instructor Certification with The Chopra Center Universtiy, CCU, Carlsbad, California. Continual education with the Chorpa Center University in meditation instruction techniques specifically for children, seniors, PTSD, anxeity disorders, stress management and overall wellbeing techniques. Meditation sessions are offered on demand for groups and private individuals.